Friday, January 25, 2013

     Hi guys! Well as you may have guessed I'm new to this blogging thing but already I can see there being a few issues we are going to have to contend with...mainly 1) I take far too many photos than any one human being should be allowed to (and I am horrendously indecisive about picking out the "best" few to display), and 2) many of the places I travel to are fairly (if not totally) remote and thus internet access is sketchy (if it exists at all).  This means much of my blogging will have to be done through a retrospectascope.  Especially anything I will be posting up until my next vacation (Destination - Morocco!).  But of course the beauty of the blog is that you don't have to read it if you don't like it.  So I guess I'll just give it a whirl and see what tales I can spin. And post as many pics as I can 'cause I like to - HA!

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